Brands are once again going all out with their holiday campaigns.
But 2024′s Christmas ads have not been without controversy.
Coca-Cola garnered criticism for its AI-generated recreation of its classic “Holidays are Coming” spot. “The Holiday Magic is Coming” ad prompted one commenter to fume: “Pepsi, now is your chance to make a live action ad bashing on Coke for using AI.” Others slammed it as “soulless.”
See here:
British pharmacy chain Boots, meanwhile, faced backlash of a different kind, namely from right-wingers who were furious over an ad with “Bridgerton” star Adjoa Andoh playing Mrs. Claus and her referring to someone with the pronoun “them.”
Watch that ad here:
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Other festive period commercials told heartwarming stories, some with sentimental moments and a few with unexpected celebrity cameos.
Check out other 2024 holiday ads below.
We’ll add more as they arrive.